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Theft and Burglary Investigations  week 3 Discussion 2

Burglaries are the silent dread of everyone who has a lock on his or her door. Burglary can take many forms and the investigation of burglaries requires attention to detail. Analyze both of the burglary cases below and address the corresponding questions for one of them.

  • A 54-year-old woman was arrested outside of a business after a silent alarm went off, alerting an officer in the area. The officer found her prying at a side door using a crowbar.  
    • What should the primary investigation consist of?
    • Should the officers/investigators handle this differently than a typical burglary case due to the sex and age of the perpetrator? Why or why not?
    • What actions would you take as an investigator? Why?

Our discussion is first then the persons  just need to tell the bad, and good of post thanks


I was once told by a senior officer that locks only keep honest people out and burglaries defiantly prove that point.  In the case of the 54 year old forcing entry into the business I feel that the investigation should be done the same as any other. Age and sex have no bearing in the prosecution of the crime and should not be a deciding factor in our investigation.  The subject should be questioned and see if any other crimes match the MO of your suspect.  The crime scene should be processes and the pry bar collected to see if it matches up to any tool marks at other crime scenes in the area.

The thefts of convertibles should be treated like any other auto theft except that it would be easier for the police to place a bait car out as the thieves seem to be targeting a specific style of vehicle. The crime scenes should be checked for entry points and any possible fingerprints or other identifying evidence. The left over car parts suggest that the cars may be parted out by the thieves so I would check salvage yards for any cars matching the description of those taken. The thieves are smart in that they do not steal on snowy days so the shoe impressions could be followed. I feel that a bait car would be the most effective way to catch the group responsible as the GPS could lead officers to their location where other evidence could possibly be obtained.

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