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Evaluating Policing Ash week 4 discussion 2

Thoroughly explain the importance of the community policing evaluation process, two forms of evaluation used in determining policing effectiveness, and how the evaluations are used by the administration.  How does the community policing evaluation process differ from that used in evaluating traditional policing? In your opinion, does the evaluation process properly identify successful implementation or areas of concern? Why or why not?

Case studies and surveys are 2 formsof evaluation used in determining policing effectiveness.

Case studies are used by the authorities to help determine what areas they need to work on and what areas they are excelling at. There are many different case studies that have been done to determine the effectiveness of new police procedures that are being implemented. “Here to stay or on the way out”(Oliver 2008) was an effective case study that was done in 6 cities.

Case studies are an effective way to evaluate. It is important though that you choose different case studies at different times because when they locate a problem they need to be able to check it and make sure that it isn’t a recurring issue.

Surveys help to determine the policing effectiveness by not only comparing what the officer in the departments want and need improvement on they also ask what the community wants and needs from the departments to feel safer.

Surveys are an effective method to use as well the biggest thing with survey is making sure that the questions that are on the paper are real issues to the demographic that is being distributed to. If it is a general survey with general questions then there is no way to get to the bottom of what the real problems are.

The traditional policing method that has been used was crime statistics. That procedure still works in too days times so in that regard nothing has changed. With evolving times that experiences have to change to accommodate the growing crime populations and the larger neighborhood and also the expanding departments so in that area the case studies and surveys help to figure out where there needs to be improvement.


Oliver, W. (2008). Community Oriented Policing A Systematic Approach To Policing. New Jersey: Pearson Education Company.

need to tell the bad and good of post list references thanks

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