week 5disc1

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .

post most have  4 or more  sentences .

 you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings

The first phase of disaster policy making is to clarify our needs. For primary prevention, the most important risk factors of communicable diseases should be determined. The most significant risk factors in disasters are population movement and displacement. Additionally, overpopulation, economic and environmental devastation, poverty, lack of sanitary water, poor waste management, lack of shelter, malnutrition as a consequence of food shortages, and poor access to health care cause a dramatic increase in rates of communicable disease after disaster.

Primary prevention would be to decrease the vulnerability to communicable diseases through reducing causalities and exposure to risk factors that provide protection during disaster. Emergency response plans before disasters should include training in identifying and management of specific potentially threatening diseases; preparing needed equipment, supplies and materials, making local backups of supplies and tools for diagnosis and treatment, and environmental health measures for disease outbreaks. 

Secondary prevention would be to reduce the impact that has already occurred. The emergency response for controlling disease includes: Emergency medical care, provision of shelter and site planning, water and sanitation, safe food preparation, nutrition, case management, medical supplies and vector control. Moreover, health education and providing health of humanitarian workers is a critical point. Providing appropriate shelters and site planning at the start of an emergency can decrease the incidence of communicable disease especially diarrheal diseases, acute respiratory infections, meningitis tuberculosis, solid waste management, and safety of food stores are essential.

Tertiary prevention aims to soften the impact of an ongoing illness or injury that has lasting effects. This would be to diminish adverse health effects due to natural disasters which is useful in prevention and also immediate treatment of communicable diseases. The establishment, implementation, and continuous monitoring of minimum standards for water safety security, sanitation, shelter, and personal hygiene is critical for health promotion after disasters. Awareness of the emergence of water and food born disease is of importance to the health of the victims (Prevention of communicable diseases after disaster, 2011).

I think these interventions fall under the preparedness phase of disaster. Because during the preparedness phase focuses on understanding how a disaster might impact the community and how education, outreach and training can build capacity to respond to and recover from a disaster. The disaster preparedness activities guide provides more information on how to better prepare an organization and the business community for a disaster. Preparedness phase covers before it happens, during and after. Also, the response it falls under the response phase. Response addresses immediate threats presented by the disaster, including saving lives, meeting humanitarian needs (food, shelter, clothing, public health and safety), cleanup, damage assessment, and the start of resource distribution. 

Federal resources from SBA, FEMA, HUD, EDA, USDA, etc., as well as state programs are good resources to work with. FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program grants reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future disasters. The goal of FEMA is to plan, prepare and mitigate before, during and after disasters (Phases of Disaster, 2016).

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