week 3 Journal assignment RM

Note: The journal assignment should not be confused with a personal journal. This activity requires organization, effective stylistics and grammar, and proper source incorporation. It is not a free-writing or reflective writing exercise.

Both of the personal essays we have read this week, “How to Say Nothing in 500 Words” and “Life Under the Chief Doublespeak Officer,” use narrative and/or descriptive elements (sections 6.3 and 6.4 in Essentials of College Writing, and each has a clear purpose.

Write about one of the essays assigned in this week’s readings. In 250 to 500 words

  • State the purpose of the essay.
  • Describe one descriptive writing pattern being used in the essay (referring to persuasion, argument or expository writing patterns)
  • Explain why you think that descriptive writing pattern is used well by the writer. Incorporate a paraphrase from the essay and properly cite the essay.
  • Explain how you plan to use the same descriptive writing pattern in your personal essay.

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