SmartArt graphics Discussion Response, writing homework help

Discussion Response 150 words

I generally use the built in SmartArt graphics when using Microsoft PowerPoint and have only used them in Microsoft Word a handful of times but they work the same in both applications. SmartArt graphics can create a much more visually appealing graphic to explain a process or system to the reader and are far easier to use than building your own graphic and importing it into a Word file. I often use SmartArt for building relationship diagrams between coordinating agencies. In military network operations the approval, request, and support hierarchies are often different than the normal military hierarchy. Using SmartArt graphics helps to simplify what can be a very complex. For these applications I find that the Labeled Hierarchy SmartArt graphic is quite useful, as it allows me to put label the each level with their function and display which agencies operate on that level. The other times I often use SmartArt graphics is for creating a visual representation of a process using the Continuous Block Process graphic for linear processes or the Block Cycle graphic for continuous processes. I have also found that Basic Bending Process or the Circular Bending Process are effective to make decision trees for non-linear system trouble shooting diagrams. SmartArt graphics that are built into Microsoft Word 2013 are not always the best fit for your presentation but they are usually a good place to start to generate ideas as to exactly what you want. Additional graphics are available for free or pay which can be found easily with a quick internet search. Here are some of the sites I have found that you can download additional graphics or templates:,

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