Overcome Barriers to Applying an Evidence-Based Process for Practice Change DQ

Hi, if you could reply back to the following discussions with 100-150 words each. Thank you

1- Margot

EBP is an essential component of the BSN-prepared RN. In this BSN- school experience I personally experienced this aspect far more than in my “original” diploma-nursing program of 30+ years ago. To be honest, this was from needing to research EBP articles to complete most of the assignments. So, one way to incorporate EBP would be to for me and any of my fellow nurse colleagues to continue their formal education and to support each other in this area. Another way would be to participate actively in unit-based commitees to stimulate group discussion and knowledge. Resistance to “change” is always a challenge in any professional area and nurses are no exception to this. Time and patience are my answer to this particualar area. Also, additional formal schooling may be cost-prohibitive and/or undesirable for many nurses and that can be a deterrent, myself included. Obtaining and maintaining one’s professional nursing specialty certification gives nurses access to current EBP standards/research and this could be an alternative/addition to further formal education.

2- Alicia,

Evidence based practice is important in the healthcare field because it allows all healthcare professionals to adhere and work with the current standards when it comes to providing effective, efficient patient care. As a BSN-prepared RN, using evidence based practice allows us to understand the reasoning behind the care we give to our patients and acknowledge the research that has been done to back it up. Nursing is more than passing medications or following out orders; nurses require to make and use clinical nursing judgment and everything invovles evidence based pratice and care. Evidence-based practice can be defined as a problem-solving approach to delivering health care that integrates the best evidence from well-delineated studies and care data, and matches patient preferences with values expertise of the health professional. However, there is a significant delay between the generation of research results and incorporation into clinical practice (Camargo, Hemiko Iwamoto, Galvão, de Araújo Pereira, Benzi Andrade & Crispim Masso, 2018). Despite current research evidence and studies, actual incorporation of evidence based practice in hospital settings are not being initiated and implemented appropriately and one of the reason is the attitude and knowledge of the staff members. Older staff members feel that the way they have been practicing and taking care of patients is correct because thay have been doing so for many years now; they may believe that changes do not need to be made. However, with the increasing acuity and diversity of our patient population along with the advanced healthcare system, what was once thought to be the best and effective way to treat or take care of our patients may be changing due to the new evidence based research that is being studied and researched. For this reason, keeping up with the practice and care by reading articles, journals, and research studies is a cruical aspect of nursing. At my work, I plan to use evidence based care with my patients and understand why certain things are done one way or another. Requiring all staff members to attend classes or conferences related to the unit or work they are involved in would keep them liable and up to date with the work they do. I will continue to attend conferences and read journals related to the topics that are most relevant in my work unit. I will also encourage all my coworkers and peers to stay updated with the evidence based practice and talk about important topics during our morning huddles.


Camargo, F. C., Hemiko Iwamoto, H., Galvão, C. M., de Araújo Pereira, G., Benzi Andrade, R., & Crispim Masso, G. (2018). Competences and Barriers for the Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: an integrative review. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 71(4), 2030–2038. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1590/0034-71…

3- Chiamaka,

According to the Academy for Medical-Surgical Nurses, evidence-based practice is a beneficial way to affect patient care in positive ways. Nurses who have completed online RN to BSN programs have the knowledge and experience necessary to make the best decisions for their patients. As patients’ needs become more complex and healthcare options become more varied, nurses must use problem-solving approaches like evidence-based practice. This means incorporating their experience, their knowledge and the preferences of the patient to provide the best care.

The two ways in which I will continue to integrate evidence into my practice and encourage it within my work environment will be, to Provide patient-centered care – identify, respect, and care about patients’ differences, values, preferences, and expressed needs; relieve pain and suffering; coordinate continuous care; listen to, clearly inform, communicate with, and educate patients; share decision making and management; and continuously advocate disease prevention, wellness, and promotion of healthy lifestyles, including a focus on population health. I will also Work in interdisciplinary teams – cooperate, collaborate, communicate, and integrate care in teams to ensure that care is continuous and reliable.

Time, knowledge and resistance might be some of the obstacles that will challenge this plan and steps to minimize this obstacle will be to engage the appropriate stakeholders. Doing this builds trust and enables you to learn from their experience and provide input on the project. Stakeholders can also play a role in identifying outcome measures. Administration support will also help in minimize this obstacle because having support from your administration from the beginning is a key factor in success. Administration may be able to inform you about other projects that used similar implementation techniques and how they worked. Also, administration plays a key role in developing an organizational culture that supports EBP.


Pamela, K.G. (May 2018). Overcome Barriers to Applying an Evidence-Based Process for Practice Change. Retrieved from https://voice.ons.org/news-and-views/overcome-barriers-to-applying-an-evidence-based-process-for-practice-change

Stevens, K., (May 31, 2013) “The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas” OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 18, No. 2, Manuscript 4.

University of North Carolina Wilmington (Sept. 2016). Why Evidence-Based Practice Is Critical for Nurses. Retrieved from https://onlinedegree.uncw.edu/articles/nursing/why-evidence-based-practice-is-critical-for-nurses.aspx

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