NYC Zoning and Land Use Exam


I need someone to take my Zoning and Land Use Exam. 

I’ve attached an outline for Zoning and Land Use.  The exam will focus on zoning regulation within NYC so be wary of notes that discuss other states’ governing rules. Overall, the info and context of the outlines are solid. As a reminder, the zoning exam is basically a case study term paper. Follow the layout I provide and there is no right or wrong answer. Be organized, by showing knowledge of which zoning is currently being used and which may be a more beneficial alternative. Make arguments from a policy and political perspective by doing due diligence on the neighborhood. You can discuss how the Landmarks preservation committee can come into play, along with the ULURP process. Any topic listed on the syllabus is fair game. For E.g. nuisance, variances (findings, unique character), police powers, covenants v easements, influence of community boards, role of borough presidents, state legislature when it comes to political zoning, special permits (standard board of appeals), takings and eminent domain.

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