Mapping using ArcGIS

Create the following using ArcGIS.

Will be given a DEM file.

  • 1. Hillshade Map
  • 2. Contour Map

Hillshade map

  • 1. open ArcGIS and drag your DEM to the ArcGIS
  • 2. Search “Hillshade ” (the search panel is on the right )
  • 3. Choose and open Hillshade (3D analyst)
  • 4. chose your DEM in Input raster
  • 5. z factor use 0.00001171 and leave other as default
  • Here is why…

Hillshade map

Screen Clipping

Hillshade map

  • 6. wait until it finish
  • 7. (optional ) on left side, put your DEM on the hillshade
  • 8. (optional )double click your DEM on the left (Layer panel), choose Display, change your Transparency to 50% and double click the color bar of your DEM on left (Layer panel), choose a color combination your like.
  • 9. Now you have a hillshade map

Contour map

    • 1. Search “Contour List ” in your search panel
    • 2. Choose and open Contour (3D analyst)
    • 3. Choose your DEM at Input Raster
    • 4. Choose a reasonable contour interval for Contour Interval*
    • (e.g. 10 , 20, 50) and click plus sign. *the unit here is meter


    Screen Clipping

    Contour map

    • 5. click OK and wait until it finished
    • 6. double click the contour layer and change the color and style
    • 7. Double click the name of your contour layer, choose Labels
    • Mark Label features in this layer, choose Contour in your Label Field, and now you have your contour map with label

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