Life after death, writing discussion help

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction . post most have 4 or more sentences . you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings It is not often that I have to witness death at my work. Although I do work with the elderly population, many of the patients who are here are transferred to hospice before they pass away. I work at an acute rehab facility, which is very similar to a medical-surgical floor of a hospital with all elderly patients. Most of the people come here for 3 weeks to one month post surgery and then go back home. I have never directly dealt with death at my workplace, but I do deal with a lot of patients who are near death or fearful of death. I am grateful for where I work and that most of the time, many people feel as though they have lived a good, long life and are not afraid of death. I am the type of nurse who holds her patients hands while they cry or spends a little extra time with patients who are gong through a difficult time. I have found it easier to accept death, not only because of my experiences, but also because I am a Christian and I know there is life after death. I find many of my patients who have faith are less fearful of the process and are not afraid toward the end of their life. I am struggling in my career right now because I feel the need for a new challenge and I want to get into a hospital, but I don’t know where I would be comfortable. I know that a place like the intensive care unit would burn me out because death is dealt with so frequently, but I know I would learn a lot too. Death is not scary to me and I know I can handle it, it is talking with grieving family members and people who are not ready to pass yet that get to me. I find it difficult not to feel their pain and then I end up bringing work home, which is not something I want to continuously do. I hope that in the future I am able to feel more comfortable with the process and bring my patients who are passing comfo

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