Joan is the president of the Pharma Heal Corporation based in England. She wants to trade stocks in Russia which has no laws barring insider trading. Joan is a citizen of the United States and England which do have laws barring insider trading.

APA styledue 3/5/17

3 paragraphs

Joan is the president of the Pharma Heal Corporation based in England. She wants to trade stocks in Russia which has no laws barring insider trading. Joan is a citizen of the United States and England which do have laws barring insider trading.

Joan wants you to advise her on what she should do in order to avoid breaking any national or international laws. Discuss the implications and definitions of insider trading, risks, perception, her status as CEO, protections, and practicalities.

Martha Stewart went to prison for insider trading. Do you think that her conviction was correct? Many people argue that there is nothing wrong with insider trading as long as no one is hurt. Do you think that this is true. What are the moral and ethical implications of insider trading for the business community and the general public.

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