Concert Report on Popular Music, writing homework help

Name: ____________

Class: _____________

Concert Report 4: Popular Music

___ Rock Group

___ Solo Singer or Instrumentalist

___ Jazz Combo or Ensemble

Concert Setting

Date of concert: ___________________

Place of concert: ___________________________________________________________

Name of group(s) ___________________________________________________________


Did you know about the performer or group prior to this concert?
____ from recordings____ from MTV or radio

____ from a friend____ did not know

Concert Music

What was the makeup (instruments and voices) of the performance? ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

How would you describe the style or genre of music performed? _______________________________


Choose a selection from the concert that you describe below.




Meter: ________________________________________________________







Dynamics: __________________________________________________________


Vocal style: _________________________________________________________


Instrumental Style_____________________________________________________


Mood: ________________________________________________________


What was your overall reaction to the concert?

__ enjoyed it a lot___ enjoyed it somewhat
__ did not enjoy it much___ did not enjoy it at all

What did you like about it? __________________________________________________


What did you not like about it?_________________________________________________

Other comments: ____________________________________________________________


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