Comparison Between Liberalism and Anarchism Paper

This paper should be between 1250 and 1500 words, and submitted double-spaced, in 12-point font, with each page numbered. The pages should be stapled together and compiled in this order: You may include comments to explain your reasoning. This will help section leaders and me to understand if there have been issues with the clarity of the assignment and expectations.

References to material from readings and any short direct quotations must be properly cited. All work, wording, and ideas that are not cited must be your own. You may choose any one of the following citation formats: APA, MLA, or either Chicago style, but please use it consistently

Prompts and Structure

Please choose one of the two prompts below. You should provide an introductory paragraph about your chosen topic, present a thesis statement, and then write several paragraphs providing examples and elaborating on these to support your thesis. You should then have one or two concluding paragraphs restating your argument and making a case for its significance.

Prompt 1. Liberalism and anarchism both developed in part out of concerns about state tyranny, and each came to its own conclusions about what role the state should have in an ideal world. How and why are liberalism and anarchism’s views of the state similar or different? Which provides a more convincing case? Formulate an argument and support it using examples, from readings and lecture, of authors’ arguments and real-world cases.

Prompt 2. Ideologies are designed to organize not only political life, but also social life, and so they offer different visions of how people live or how they should live. Liberalism and fascism see different roles for individuals in their ideal societies. What do each of them see as giving individuals meaning, and why do they take different stances on this issue? Choose one of these two ideologies and discuss the potential flaws or downsides in its ideal vision of individuals’ role in society. Formulate an argument and support it using examples, from readings and lecture, of authors’ arguments and real-world cases.

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