What tasks were identified and successfully completed by you and your coachee during the coaching relationship?

To this point in the final project, you have assisted your coachee to (1) develop two professional objectives and assess their significance, (2) identify possible obstacles to the objectives, and (3) determine some possible strategies and action steps for reaching the objectives. During the final week of the project, you will be moving towards closure in the coaching relationship and evaluating the effectiveness of your work with your coachee. 

Because of the short duration of the coaching practicum, concluding whether significant progress has been made towards achieving the desired outcomes might be unclear. However, as you complete your coaching interaction, it is important for you and your coachee to reflect on the process in which you engaged as a collaborative team, including how you will bring the coaching relationship to a close and what next steps the coachee will take. In other words, the reflection is about the quality of the process and next steps more than the success of reaching the objectives. 

Week 5 Assignment

As part of the reflection process, the coachee should complete the Coaching Feedback Form
As the student-coach, you should address the following questions. 

Assessment of Tasks and Process:

  • What tasks were identified and successfully completed by you and your coachee during the coaching relationship?
  • How would you assess your coachee’s participation, open-mindedness, and willingness to be coached?
  • Did you hold your coachee accountable for completions?
    • How did you do this?
    • Were your methods successful? Why?
  • How would you assess your effectiveness as a coach?
    • What specifically did you learn about yourself through this process?
    • What coaching strengths and weaknesses emerged through this process?
    • What did you learn from this coaching experience?
  • How did your coachee assess your effectiveness as a coach? What gaps exist, if any, between your self-assessment of your performance and your coachee’s assessment of your performance?
  • What would you do differently if you had the opportunity to re-do the coaching project?
  • What did you learn about the potential for coaching to enhance the professional development of individuals in an organization? To enhance the productivity of an organization?
  • If it were possible to do so, how would you infuse coaching into your organization?
  • How did this project affect your leadership knowledge and skills?
  • What is your overall assessment of this coaching process? Was it a valuable experience for you and your coachee? Why or why not? 

Assessment of Next Steps

  • What next steps, if any, have you and your coachee agreed to work on?
  • Will your coachee continue the coaching process with a certified coach?
  • What next steps have you identified for yourself to continue your own professional development? 

Assessment of Appropriate Closure

  • How did you close your coaching relationship?
  • How did you and your coachee feel about this relationship coming to a close?
  • Did you discuss this closure and your respective feelings with each other?
  • Does your coachee feel comfortable moving forward with the plans and objectives independent of the coaching relationship?
  • Have you ensured confidentiality of all communications and properly destroyed all written communications? 

Submission Details:

  • Organize and submit your report in a four page Microsoft Word document, using APA style.Running head:



    Coaching Session 3

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    Coaching Session 3

    Coaching is an essential thing in a daily lives of the individuals having the uncontrollable behavior. It enables the coachee to see the other perspective of doing things apart from the normal ones. Coaching is well achieved through a coaching session that has been well prepared. In this paper, we are going to recap the previous coaching session, set of the plans for the coachee to achieve the two stated objectives, and the steps to achieve before the next coaching session.

    Recap of the Previous Coaching Session

    It was on 5th of September 2019 when the second coaching session occurred. The session took place at the local churches. This was between the coach and Ms. Doss. Ms. Doss was the one being coached on the approaches of saving towards the general life. Secondly she was also being coached on the having a maintainable philosophy of saving the money.

    The coach informed Ms. Doss on the two goals where one is short period while the other has a long period. The short period goal was to save towards the general life. The long period goal was to have a manageable philosophy for the savings. He explained to Ms. Doss that most women do not save because they waste money on the accessories, clothes and the shoes for them to be similar to others.

    This was followed by the coach pointing out the cash should be used to purchase important things in life. But, it should not be spend to make oneself equal to the others. He insisted that saving should not be a philosophy for a few month. However, it should continue over and over even after the coaching session is over. He also states that the coachee can be fully motivated to change the habit as no change is impossible.

    On the other hand, Ms. Doss is has hope for starting a saving routine. She says of how she is devoted to rank her wants so that she cannot overspend and take the loans. She also said of how the coaching has increased has self-confidence. But Ms. Doss has some challenges which are making her not to achieve her goal. Among them, she has the natural instincts of the female. This makes her to compete with the other ladies so that they can be on the same level. In conclusion, her habits can be fully changed when she cuts down on some expenses.

    Actions Plans for the Coachee to Achieve the Objectives

    The coachee has two main objectives to achieve. First is to change the approaches for saving and the whole life in general. For the coachee to achieve this, she first has to accept herself. This will be done by her having a purpose and the agenda for the clear expectations (Zenger & Stinnett, 2010). Accepting herself will be followed her not comparing herself with others. In order to stop comparing herself with others, she needs to live with her limits and the finances that she has is it among the best action plan.

    Besides, she should have the list of the things to be achieved. This should range from the most basic things in life to the ones that are not important. Her priorities should be set right. For her to achieve the rightness in the priorities, it requires to be in constant interaction with the coach for the motivation (Anderson, 2017). The motivation will help in raising the self-confidence hence not comparing herself with the others.

    The second objective is to generate a bearable philosophy for the savings. This objective can be achieved through the following actions of plans. First it is to start as soon as possible (Joel, 2017). Ms. Doss has to start the saving even if it is with the least amount as possible. Secondly is through having a plan. the plan should be well developed as the as you grow the saving account (Joel, 2017). The plan should include the purpose of saving and the decisions towards savings.

    The other action plan to be taken by the coachee is to know what the investments are for. This is very critical as saving without an investment plan will not work it out (Joel, 2017). It should be put in mind that the saving are about an individual. During the investment, the other people should not be worried about or compared to (Joel, 2017). As when comparing your plans with those of other, progress will not be experienced.

    Action Steps for the next Coaching Session

    Before the next coaching session, the following steps should be taken. First is the development of the saving plan. This will enable the better planning and the different ways that can be used for saving. Besides, it will also ensure that the plan is in acceptance with the coachee. Secondly, I will locate the saving platforms that can be used. This will be in accompany with a saving calculate for the coachee to know the amount of money to save each month. At the completion of the coaching process, I will also have to follow up on the progress of the savings even after the coaching session is over (Zenger & Stinnett, 2010). The following up even after the session will enhance the accountability.


    Anderson, C. (2017). Three ways to prepare for you coaching client conversation. ICF

    Joel, S. (2017, August 15). ARGUS. Retrieved from 6 Guidelines for Your Saving Philosophy: https://www.argus.bm/learning-resources/guides/finance-guides/6-guidelines-for-your-saving-philosophy/ Zenger, J. H., & Stinnett, K. (2010).The extraordinary coach: How the best leaders help others grow. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. ISBN: 9780071703406b






    Coaching Session 3



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    Running head: COACHING SESSION 3 1

    Coaching Session 3

    Student’s Name

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