The codes you used to analyze your data should appear within the text of the field notes (ideally in CAPS and different colored font).

Topic is ” The effect dementia has on family members”. First step of the observation has been attached

For Step 2 of the observation research project, conduct 45 minutes of observation, including jottings and field notes. This time can be broken up in two ways—you can either do 1 45-minute observation of a single setting, or 2 observations of 2 different settings, divided as you see fit.

Then, analyze your field notes by coding them. Once you complete your analysis, submit a 2-3 page description of your findings and their significance for your topic. Your 2-3 page description of findings and conclusions should include:

  • two or more paragraphs that describe the findings from the observation based on your coding of the field notes
  • two or more paragraphs that discuss the significance of the findings as they relate to the topic of your study

Include a copy of your coded field notes with your submission. The field notes should describe your observation chronologically and describe the setting and interactions within that setting in detail. The codes you used to analyze your data should appear within the text of the field notes (ideally in CAPS and different colored font).

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