Responsabilities of an ethical student Post, writing homework help

Respond to question 1 and 2.

Response posts (RPs): Address specific consequences of choosing not to be an ethical student and professional in light of the responsibilities addressed in the IP.

  • RPs should be 150-250 words
  • Add new content, a distinction, or hypothesis and demonstrate how this new information makes the topic thread more clear
  • Draw attention to a consideration that has been neglected, and demonstrate how this new information motivates clearer understanding of the topic
  • Students should contribute to the discussion based on their course acquired knowledge in a meaningful way. Posts that simply agree with the IP will not be graded.

Responses will be graded for content, length, and level of introspection.

1. Responsibilities of an ethical student would mean coming familiar with the student handbook such as Hondros most recent handbook that is available and knowing what is expected from the student and also what the consequences are if the rules are not followed. An ethical student also needs to abide by the ethical standards of being honest, respectful, and other conduct that is consistent with maintaining their own integrity for their profession (Purtilo & Doherty, 2011, pg 118). After reading the story about Matt in this week’s reading, I found it very unethical what he did. Matt knew that it was unacceptable to enter a home and care for a patient without supervision and he still done so. Also he was dishonest to himself, the instructor and the care for the patient when he lied and documented that he done something knowing he didn’t do it.  When I hear the term Personal branding I think of it as how you view yourself or how others view you from their stand point. This could be something that is a good quality or something that is a bad quality to have, personal branding also can be an impression that you leave and what others remember you by. My personal brand that I think I have is someone who is knowledgeable, and this is because being in nursing school and furthing my education, my family and peers like to contact me and ask me questions about something that is going on and they as for my opinion.

 As a student I would say that I am a very honest person and would like to carry that on into my professional career because going into the medical field you are caring for someone who is sick and is getting help for a reason so you don’t want things to get worse. Such as if you notice that you made a medication error, you should report that to whoever is in charge and follow the proper protocol in a circumstance like that. Another quality that I have as a student is that I am a very compassionate person when it comes to caring for my patients, and I want to carry that quality along with me throughout my profession as a Nurse. To show a patient that you are compassionate could be demonstrated by getting an understanding on what your patient knows so far about their medical condition and then go from there. You can educate your patient several ways and help so they have a better understanding. By just showing your patient that you care and being there for them will make your patient feel more comfortable too, its good to establish a nurse patient relationship.

2. Personal branding is important throughout all aspects of life. It sets the bar of the type of person you are and what you stand for. It should represent the value you are able to consistently deliver to those you are serving. Developing your personal brand is essential for the advancement of your career and your development as a leader. Managing your personal branding requires you to be a great role model, mentor or a voice others can depend on. “Preparation in advance is self care at its best, sharing your values with a group will give everyone a chance to be supportive with the confines of their own value system” (Purtilo & Doherty, 2011, pg. 150.) When I think of my personal brand a lot of examples comes to mind. I believe the commodity between them all is the consistently in mannerism, my value of my character, reliability, honesty and uplifting and caring spirit.

When I think in relation to social media, I try to always be uplifting, positive or with some form of humor within my post. I digress from posting anything negative. I always think about what positives my post would be received.  I often times get inboxes or comments relating to my post being right on time for that person situation at the time. This makes me happy that I can encourage, uplift or promote awareness in their lives.  If I am having a bad day, I simply refrain from posting all together.

As a student, I try to be accountable for my actions. I try to be on time and prepared for class in proper uniform ready to learn. I try to follow the code of standards provided in the handbook so that I will not be in jeopardy of academic misconduct. This comes in to play in the professional work place as a nurse as well. You are to adhere to the rules and regulations governed by your hospital or facility.  Rules are a part of life, one must strive to abide by them.

In the work place, professionalism is essential. The way you carry yourself speaks volumes to your employer, patients, and co-workers. “Reinforcing in yourself the good that comes about by honoring your duty of self-improvement or aspiring to be good to yourself will help you prepare for healthfulness and a chance to flourish throughout your professional career” (Purtilo & Doherty, 2011, pg. 143).  Patients look up to you as a nurse to have their best interest at heart, provide competent care, and to advocate for them. This takes a degree of trust. At the end of the day, you have to decide rather you are going to be extraordinary with your nursing care or ordinary. I want to be a nurse that heals as well as touches lives

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