Real People, Real Stories Discussion

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These inspirational stories are about the experiences of real people and how nutrition has helped them to accomplish their health related goals. Real People, Real Stories bring the course material to life and get you to think about how applying good nutrition on a personal level will improve your health, energy level, and physical performance.

2. Discussion Questions



Directions: Answer the following discussion questions. Number your answers. Do not repeat he questions

All answers must be written in your own words. Quotes are not accepted, even if a reference is included.

You answers must be submitted to BOTH the dropbox and the Real People, Real Stories

Discussion Board. This assignment needs to be a minimum of 200 words for all questions combined. (Not 200 words for each individual question.

1. What do you think are the main challenges this person faces in living with this nutrition related condition? List at least 2 examples. One must be from the reading.

2.  What do you think were the most important proactive steps/changes this person took towards leading a healthy lifestyle? List at least 2 examples from the reading. One must be related to nutrition

3.  In what ways does this person inspire you or in what ways may this person inspire others like him/her? List at least 2 examples

4. Describe a real life experience you would feel comfortable in sharing with the class about this topic or a similar type of situation. Think about yourself, or a family member, friend, coworker, or neighbor.

5. What else would you like to know about this topic? List 2 good questions you have that your classmates could answer in their Student Response. Include at least one about nutrition and dietary concerns.
Your questions need to indicate reflective thought, go beyond the superficial, and must be able to be answered by evidence based research. You might actually have to look up a little bit about the topic first in order to ask a good question.
Ask questions that a student will need to research and find the information – do not ask for opinions about topics!

For your questions in step 5: · DO NOT ask if they have the disease or know anyone with it!! That has already been asked of everyone in question 4 · Do not ask for opinions because that cannot be answered with research because the point of the student reply is to do research · Do not ask what happened to the person in the story. This is not easily researched and will not be accepted

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