Mareese Post 2

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For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction and science is not immune to this law. The rise of science brought in the romantics who believed science “robbed nature of beauty and replaced it with mathematical description”. Keats wrote of how “Newton could even destroy the majesty and mystery of a rainbow’ (Bowles & Kaplan, 2012). So much of life up until the scientific revolution had been a mystery or the domain of God, unlocking the secrets of the universe seemed to serve to take the magic out of life and caused fear in many.

So many of the discoveries contradicted traditional religious beliefs setting the stage for scientist could be perceived as radicals and deviants. Darwin kept his work secret for 20 years in an attempt to maintain his respectable reputation and for his family’s sake as evolutionary theories were flat out heresy in Darwin’s time and continue to be argued against by some even today. These conflicts between science and religious beliefs manifest themselves in the mad scientist character portrayed in modern popular culture.

The underlying theme of man playing God and creating a destructive force can be seen not only in Frankenstein but most science fiction movies from Godzilla to any number of outbreak type or day after type movies. These ideas have become universal critiques against science.A good example of the proliferation of these ideas can be seen the nickname of Frankenfood for genetically modified foods and Monsanto being considered an equivocal of the devil to some.

Bowles, M. & Kaplan, B. (2012). Science and culture throughout history. San Diego, California: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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