I need a really good paper for my anthropology class that’s plagiarism free.

You have to have access to the book below in order to complete the assignment.

Book- Heider, Karl G. (2007) Seeing Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology Through Film

Essay Theme: Culture and Patterns, Distribution, and Consumption
Write an essay in which you first explain the concept of culture 
presented in assigned reading and viewing material in Karl Heider, Seeing
Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology Through Film, Chapter 2.
Second, use the concept of culture and related concepts presented in the 
Seeing Anthropology Chapters 1-7 to examine how human collective practices, 
beliefs, social roles, and local institutions relate to structuring patterns of 
production, distribution, and consumption (economic anthropology) across social 
groups you have studied in this course. Your analysis of productions patterns
must be based on careful reading of the assigned work as outlined on the course 
syllabus and the related viewing material in chapters 1-7. Pay attention to
ethnographic illustrations in the assigned reading and film clips in chapters 1-7. 
You must make accurate use of the vocabulary (key concepts) you have 
acquired from your reading and viewing in Chapters 1-7 in Seeing Anthropology. Effective essays will rely on specific
information about the people, geographic locations, local institutions, rituals, and 
other ethnographic material presented in the assigned film clips in your account
of subsistence, distribution, and consumptions patterns from the perspective of 
Begin your review of Chapters 1-7 in Seeing Anthropology. Note that Chapters 6 
and 7 on production patterns and distribution and consumption provide key 
concepts and ethnographic information critical to do well on this assignment. 
Also note as you review Chapters 1-7 the importance of identity, social roles, gender, the division of labor, worldview and symbols (see chapter 4 on meaning 
and symbols) as they relate to production, consumption, and distribution 
transactions represented in the reading and viewing content.

Essays must be about 2000 words in length and typed. You must use APA or
MLA format. Essays that do not apply the correct format will be returned with 0

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