I have to create a video choosing two classroom expectations, procedures, or rules from the digital presentation I created in Topic 2. 

The way the teacher introduces and reinforces procedures, technology, and behavior expectations sets the stage for building the community within the classroom. When teachers have clear and consistent procedures and expectations, students are more likely to be successful.

Explainer Video

I have to create a video choosing two classroom expectations, procedures, or rules from the digital presentation I created in Topic 2.

Your explainer video should include:

  • – Introduction of two expectations, procedures, or rules and how they will be implemented in your classroom.
  • – Important tasks inherent to the expectation, procedures, or rules.
  • – How setting the stage introducing expectations, procedures, and rules helps to create a culture of community within the classroom.
  • – Challenges faced when creating the classroom as a community.
  • – Specific strategies to establish discipline, rewards, and consequences in the classroom.
  • – How to use technology to promote community and authentic learning experiences.

I attached the ppt created to use for an outline.  I only need 2-3 min of the above bulletpoints to record

Establishing Classroom Procedure for Students

Holly Burwell

Grand Canyon University

October 10, 2019

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

Expectations of Students’ In-class Behaviors

Students are expected to respect themselves and others as well

Students should be responsible for their behavior towards teachers, other students, and school property

Hand in assignments on time

Wait to be dismissed

Use an inside voice

Actively participate in class discussions

Help each other

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

Rules For My Future Classroom

Listen attentively

Follow classroom rules

Respect all opinions and abilities

Be prepared

Be on time

Procedures That Will Create a Productive, Positive Classroom Environment…

Addressing student needs- Teachers need to address students’ psychological needs such as need for security and love to ensure that students are more engaged and display fewer behavioral issues (Emmer, & Evertson, 2016).

Creating a structure that reinforces the need for order by establishing a system. For example, how students can get the teacher’s attention without interrupting the class.

Letting students know me so that we can eliminate any preconceived notions they may have about me.

Getting to know students on an individual level so I can understand their strengths and weaknesses (Pas et al., 2015).

How I Will Introduce, Teach, and Implement My Expectations, Procedures, and Rules…

Rules can be introduced in class using posters and conversations in class.

Expectations, however, will be taught through reinforcing them in context. When a situation arises and expectations are not met, I will remind them of the need to abide by these expectations.

I would also make sure that I model expectations so the students can follow my lead.

Finally, I will outline the consequences related to lack of implementation of the rules and procedures and guarantee their execution.


Consequences If The Rules Are Not Followed…

There are classes of behavior managed by the classroom teacher or attending adult such as teasing, swearing or being late for class.

Other classes of behavior such as cheating and skipping class are handled by a lunch detention but may be referred to administration if they become chronic.

Major behaviors such as fighting, vandalism and bullying are immediately referred to administration.

Therefore, consequences vary from after school detention with me, conference with parents, Saturday school, suspension or expulsion depending on the rule broken.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Part 2: Technology to get students engaged

1. Blogs

Submitting assignment as blogs encourages engagement as students can be able to post their assignments and other students comment.

Students can be asked to only give their opinions on whether they feel it meets the learning outcomes for the class. They will be cautioned against using the platform for other purposes such as bullying.

Part 2: Technology to get students engaged

2. Infographics

Infographics are visuals that aid students in learning hard topics. They increase engagement as schoolwork appears much easier. Piktochart, PowerPoint and keynote are examples of software that can be used for this(Fatimah, & Santiana, 2017).

Students will be advised to make presentations relevant to what they are learning. They will also be reminded that infographics are meant to assist others learn at a faster rate, and they should be mindful of that.

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Part 2: Technology to get students engaged

3. Forum for feedback

Forum for feedback- where both students and teachers may give feedback to improve the learning experience. This can be done for example, through a blog or video conferencing (Fatimah, & Santiana, 2017).

Students will be reminded that the feedback required is constructive criticism only, and the forum should not be used to further negative agendas.


Emmer, E. T., & Evertson, C. M. (2016). Classroom management for middle and high school teachers. Pearson.

Fatimah, A. S., & Santiana, S. (2017). Teaching In 21st Century: Students-teachers ‘perceptions of Technology Use In The Classroom. Script Journal: Journal of Linguistic and English Teaching, 2(2), 125-135.

Pas, E. T., Cash, A. H., O’Brennan, L., Debnam, K. J., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2015). Profiles of classroom behavior in high schools: Associations with teacher behavior management strategies and classroom composition. Journal of School Psychology, 53(2), 137-148.


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