Escribe un anuncio para vender una casa Spanish Project, foreign languages homework help

Escribe un anuncio para vender una casa. Di dónde está, cómo es, y qué cuartos y muebles tiene. (Write a detailed ad that you would use to sell a house.)

Modelo:  ¡Casa bonita! Está cerca del centro. Es grande y tiene cinco cuartos y cuatro baños. La escalera es muy bonita. Ya tiene muebles. En la sala hay un sofá y dos sillones.

Writing Criteria



Needs Work


Your ad includes a

lot of information.

Your ad includes

some information,

Your ad includes

little information.


Most of your ad is

organized and easy

to follow.

Parts of your ad are

organized and easy

to follow.

Your ad is

disorganized and

hard to follow.


Your ad has

few mistakes in

grammar and


Your ad has

some mistakes

in grammar and


Your ad has

many mistakes

in grammar and


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