Doctoral Project Proposal Checklist School Level Review

Doctoral Project Proposal Checklist School Level Review

School of Nursing and Health Sciences


Please use the DPP School Level Review Checklist to ensure mentees have met the requirements within each section of the DPP form. This checklist is a guide to help the mentor and the mentee.

1. It is an expectation that the mentee will review the checklist and initial all items completed prior to sending to mentor, found at: or   

2. Mentor review of the DPP checklist:

a. The mentor will review each section of the DPP checklist confirming the outlined requirements have been met.

b. If met, the mentor will place their initials in the met box for that section.

c. If not met, the mentor will place their initials in the not met box and provide feedback under “Reviewer’s Comments” in the sections not met.

3. Committee review of the DPP checklist:

a. Once the mentor has approved the DPP form and completed a review of the checklist, the mentor will send the initialed DPP checklist and the DPP form to the mentee’s committee for review.

Each committee member will

a. If met, place their initials in the met box for that section.

b. If not met, place their initials in the not met box and provide feedback under “Reviewer’s Comments” in the sections not met.

c. The committee member will send the checklist back to the mentor to provide to the mentee.

4. School level review- Once ready for school level review, the mentor will:

a. Remove all comments on the DPP checklist that have been corrected

b. Leave the reviewer’s initials approving the DPP form as met.

c. Send the DPP checklist with the approved DPP form to school level review.

5. School level review will use the DPP checklist to confirm that each section has been met. If not approved the reviewers will provide feedback on how to meet the requirements on the DPP checklist under “Reviewer comments” within each section.

Learner__________________________________ Mentor ___________________________________________

Committee Members _______________________________________________________________________________

Section Requirements : DPP Part 1 Met Not Met / Comments
PICOT Question · Appropriate PICOT question that meets all components to include population, intervention, comparison (If applicable), outcome, and time.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Demining a Need and Gap in Practice · Explains the background and significance of the proposed practice problem with the organization.

· Provides internal data to support that this problem is a priority through a needs assessment within the practicum site.

· Discusses the current practice for the practice problem, such as the current the policy/procedure or what is currently done.

· Include description of conversations with leadership and/or key decision makers, as well as stakeholders who will be impacted by the project.

· Provide 2-4 studies or EBP guidelines that support this needed change

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Population/Problem · Describes the population and problem in terms of role, age range, diagnosis, procedure, etc.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Intervention · List 2-3 potential interventions that can be applied in this practice change?

· Practice recommendations are identified and consistent with the synthesis of the literature.

· There is logical progression from the synthesis of the literature to the practice recommendation to the proposed intervention of the project.

· Defines the intervention very specifically and operationally so that anyone replicating this project could apply the same intervention.

· Describes the learner role in the practice change

· Appropriate appendices are included

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Comparison · Discusses the comparison for the intervention which is likely the standard treatment or usual care.

· If there is no comparison, the learner has discussed the current state versus the desired state of care.

· Discusses the potential impact of the practice change to which that the learner will be comparing.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Outcomes · Discusses the desirable outcome(s).

· The outcomes are measurable. Describes how the outcome(s) will be measured.

· Describes the validity and reliability of any existing tool that they will use.

· Describes at what point(s) in time the data will be collected and how it will be analyzed.

· Measures compliance by discussing what evaluation criteria will use to ensure the planned change occurred as planned.

· Discusses the type of data produced by the evaluation tools (e.g., nominal, ordinal or interval). Discusses what statistical tests will be used to determine if the selected intervention produced the outcome desired.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Timeframe · Provides a detailed and feasible work plan and timeline for completing the capstone. The timeframe is broken down by milestones within each quarter.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


School level review performed by and date:

Version 1 __________________________________________________________

Version 2 __________________________________________________________

Version 3 __________________________________________________________

Version 3 co-reviewer ________________________________________________

Version 4 __________________________________________________________

Learner__________________________________ Mentor ___________________________________________

Committee Members _______________________________________________________________________________

Section Requirements: DPP Part 2 Met Not Met/ Comments
Introduction · Identify the focus of the project and the significance (includes at least 1-2 background studies).

· Provides the project goals and the relationship to the PICOT question.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Review of Literature · Articles reviewed with a minimum of 20 required, all published within the last five years, unless a seminal article.

· Describes extensive review of the literature (including keywords, search phrases, databases used, number of articles found, inclusion/exclusion criteria, number of articles retained and why).

· Provides information on the significance of the problem, such as the following: incidence and/or prevalence, national data and quality/regulatory expectations, impact on patient, family, and healthcare system, financial implications, cultural, healthcare policy, quality, safety, legal, ethical implications if pertinent.

· Thorough review and critical analysis of literature.

· Synthesis of evidence supporting the question and project. This is not an annotated bibliography.

· Provides completed evidence table.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Framework · Describes theoretical framework or conceptual model.

· Connects study goals and PICOT to framework or model.

· Defines study variables.

· Describes any study assumptions.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Method · Describes project design, setting, population and sampling.

· Describes human subject’s protection methods (as applicable).

· Identifies outcome measures.

· Describes implementation plans including thorough description of implementation process; psychometric properties (reliability and validity) of any instruments used; status of permission to use instruments; procedures for data collection.

· If the instrument is not public, permission to use the instrument is attached as an appendix.

· Describes project evaluation including type of data analysis.

· Discusses the anticipated findings.

· Discusses the study limitations:

· Factors that might limit internal validity.

What efforts will be taken to minimize and or adjust for the limitations?

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Sampling · Discusses the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Meet program-specific requirements for proposal/research plan approval. · Completes evidence table, includes all references in DPP.

· Complete reference list for DPP.

Reviewer’s comments to learner:


Write with logic, flow, etc.
Write with proper grammar, usage, APA etc.
Date of learner revision(s)
Date of preceptor revision(s) request/approval
Date of committee revision(s) request/approval

School level review performed by and date:

Version 1 __________________________________________________________

Version 2 __________________________________________________________

Version 3 __________________________________________________________

Version 3 co-reviewer ________________________________________________

Version 4 __________________________________________________________

December 7, 2017

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