Discovery Civics short answer, writing homework help

Short Answer Questions must be 4-6 sentences each

  • How do you think mass media affects your political socialization? What role do you think new forms of media (Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, blogs, Tumblr etc.) have played in this process?
  • What do you think is the difference between a citizen and citizenship? Do you think these differences have an impact on an individual’s ability to take advantage of the benefits afforded to those living in a democracy? Why or why not? Please provide examples.
  • What is the difference between an iron triangle and issue network? Which arrangement do you think benefits civic organizations? Why? Please provide examples.
  • Does a system of checks and balances and separation of power, help or hurt civic organizations? Why or Why not? Please provide examples.

Essay Question must be at least 3 paragraphs; 4-6 sentences per each paragraph

  • What are political engagement and civic engagement? How do they differ and how are they related? Do you believe that they should be considered together or separately? Why or why not? How are they carried out in today’s society? Provide examples.
  • What is federalism? What system of federalism are we in currently? Why is it important to civic organizations? What are grant-in-aid programs? Why are these programs and the way they are handled important to civic organizations? Provide examples.

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