contain troubleshooting information, writing homework help

Use the NET2800 Week 4 Homework Template.docx

  1. Conduct some research online to discover the primary differences among the ext2, ext3, ext4, and reiserfs filesystems. Outline the major differences among the four and provide reasons why an administrator might opt to choose one filesystem over another based on the purpose of a partition.
  2. Do some research online to discover some of the third-party disk utilities that are capable of working with Linux, Windows, or both? Focus more on those utilities that are capable of working with both Linux and Windows partitions, outlining the capabilities that these tools provide.
  3. Research online to create a list of Web sites that contain troubleshooting information related to Linux. Good candidate sites to include on these lists are those with busy forums or message boards.
  4. Research online for different RAID hardware solutions offered by different vendors, outlining how price and capabilities differ among different vendor offers. You should also note whether the vendor’s products support Linux.

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