Coal fired power plants have been a major environmental blight for the last 70 years in the United States. Explain this statement by using at least five specific cases of degradation caused by coal or burning coal. Propose a renewable energy source to take coal’s place. Defend that choice with numbers (costs and output). ————-


Coal fired power plants have been a major environmental blight for the last 70 years in the United States. Explain this statement by using at least five specific cases of degradation caused by coal or burning coal. Propose a renewable energy source to take coal’s place. Defend that choice with numbers (costs and output).




. Most of humanities Calories come from the consumption of monocots (grains). Choose one of the three major grains and describe how much is grown worldwide, how many calories per cup we get from consuming it. Also calculate the amount of this grain that a person would have to eat in a year if it were the major carbohydrate source. Using those numbers, determine how many humans our current production can support. Finally, speculate what will happen if and or when the human population meets or exceeds that carrying capacity.

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