Argumentation essay help (write at least 1200 words)`

 A. Choose one of the following topics for your argumentation essay (final):

 1). Should an illegal immigrant be given a driver’s license?

 2). Marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes.

 3). As an exercise, swimming far exceeds running as a means to health and fitness.

  B. This is a difficult essay to write.  Please read Chapter 15 carefully and read it several times, if necessary, to make sure you understand it.  Think carefully about the topic you have selected before you start.

  The purpose of an argumentation paper is to persuade a reader to a point of view.  So in your paper, you must take a position on the subject matter you are arguing about and offer logical reasons for holding that position.  (Do you support it or oppose it? Why?  What is your supporting evidence?)

  Argumentation papers must draw on controversial subject matter – that is, the possibility for a difference of opinion on the subject must exist.  Otherwise, there would be no need to argue. 

  1). When writing a formal argumentation essay, make sure you have the following in your essay:

  –State the problem or issue –In some cases, state the possible positions to be taken on the problem
 –State the position you will take in your essay
 –Offer supporting evidence that the position you take is the reasonable one to hold
 –Anticipate objections to the position and acknowledge or refute them
 –Affirm the position and make a final appeal

  –You should have an introduction paragraph in your essay
 –You should have 3-5 body paragraphs, each body paragraph to begin with a topic sentence, followed by supporting evidence
 –You should have a conclusion paragraph
 –Your essay should have at least 1200 words 

  2). Remember to use induction or deduction in your reasoning. Remember to avoid logical fallacies. 

  3). Follow the steps you learned from your reading (Chapters 1-6) in Week 1

  4). Follow the established pattern of organization for the Argumentation essay when you write;

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