Answer a discussion about how highly unlikely that you will be hired for your career job without answering some behavior-based questions. Assignment help

I have a class discussion question that needs to be answered before 12am (central time) tonight. The response does not need to be long. A simple, short but complete response will be good enough. No essay please. Thanks! Here it is:

It is highly unlikely that you will be hired for your career job without answering some behavior-based questions. In behavior-based questions, you will be asked to recall a specific example from the past, for example, “Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer.” Why would employers ask these types of questions? What are they hoping to learn from your past behaviors? How important do you think context is when you respond to these types of questions (context refers to the situation you are taking your example from, e.g., your workplace, school, or home)?

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